William Colyn

Doctor William Colyn obtained his MaNaMa in Orthopaedics at KULeuven in 2016. His master's thesis, ‘the concept of constitutional varus’, became one of the most referenced papers on knee prostheses worldwide under supervision of Prof Bellemans. After his trainingship, Dr Colyn attended several national and international fellowships (Lyon, Bristol, Marseille, Turin, Brescia, Modena, Florence, Berlin & Munich).

He has been associated with UHasselt since the start of his PhD in 2019. In 2023, he obtained his doctoral degree after defending his thesis: ‘The natural evolution of constitutional varus & its clinical implications’. He is a board member of the Belgian Knee Society and an active young member of the European Knee Society.

Since 2016, he has been active as an orthopaedic surgeon in his hometown of Turnhout.

As a passionate knee surgeon, he has focused on both sports injuries and degenerative disorders of the knee.